Fashion Tips for Men and Women Traveling or Living In Mexico | Ventanas Mexico

Ventanas Mexico

Ventanas Mexico hosts a blog promoting living in Mexico and promotes books on learning Spanish, travel and cooking in Mexico and how to rent in Mexico.

Fashion Tips for Men and Women Traveling or Living in Mexico


Updated December 2021

It hurts my heart, really it does, seeing those poor oblivious souls tramping around Mexico wearing their cargo pants and dockers, their floppy hats and Merrells but, lamentably, no cloaks of invisibility. Why do some Americans dress for Mexico as if it was Philmont Scout Ranch?  

fashion in Mexico

Ok, I admit it. I once bought an expensive pair of sandals from the Walking Store, convinced I’d need “practical” shoes in Mexico.

In two months they were thrashed, and thank God. I felt ridiculous walking amongst all the Mexican women in their spectacular jeweled sandals in grocery stores and along beach boulevards. I’d catch them making sad (yet always compassionate, because they’re Mexican) glances down at my feet and then quickly look away. Never again.

What you’ll see in Mexico among the well-dressed is clothing that combines European cuts with the natural fibers of Mexico, like cotton bark and agave.  The beautiful textiles for which Mexico is known makes its way into handbags, shawls and even shoes.

Huaraches are a traditional Mexican sandal and still quite popular.

What does Mexican haute couture mean to the traveler or who wants bring no more than a suitcase and a carry on? Here are some items for men and women to bring that make fashion sense, especially those over 50.

Women - What to bring to Mexico

1. Jumpsuits are comfortable for plane rides and popular for Saturday shopping and brunches.  I've visited stores that sell nothing but jumpsuits in Mexico.

2.  A pair of dress dark jeans and a pair of white jeans, if body type and weather permit. If you don’t wear jeans, try a slim fit pant without logos, side zippers and all the other giveaway details of trekking wear. 

3.  A nice leather jacket (unless you are visiting the coast in the summer) can make any tee-shirt look good (Leave the fleece at home unless you’re hiking El Chichón). Denim jackets, blue or white, look good too and can come in handy for the unseasonable, unexpected cold snap.

4. A pure white tee-shirt and a pure black tee-shirt. (When Mexican women do white, it's blindingly white because they more often dry their clothes in the sun.)  Stick with shirts made with natural fibers that breathe and rinse out better in a sink. Carry both long and short-sleeved tees. I have found dress pants made of heavy canvas surprising comfortable because of the loose weave.

5. Short boots, perhaps with inserts or arch supports for walking. After making a pair of excruciating Salomon ski boots comfortable, I found that you can do the same with a pair of stylish boots. Don't forget to break them in before you leave.

6.  Leggings that can be worn with skirts or longish sweaters or dusters. Leggings are great to wear on planes with thick socks to keep swelling down.  

7.  A Pashmina or blanket scarf, or cotton head scarf serves multiple purposes on the plane (sleeping mask) and on your head (in certain churches for example)

8. A longer dress - Since dining out in Mexico is so much more affordable, you’ll want to dine out more. In my opinion, Mexicans dress up more when they go out to dinner.

9.  Inexpensive non-metal jewelry, made from fabric, plastic or wood -  Mexican women in general tend to wear more jewelry than we do, but save the expensive pieces for special occasions.  On weekend nights, most plazuelas have merchants selling reasonably-priced and attractive necklaces, cuffs, fans and earrings. Have some fun.

fashion in mexico

10. Sandals with detail. Mexican women in beach towns feel about sandals the way Carrie Bradshaw felt about Manolos. Beautiful beaded, jeweled sandals are a status symbol worth the investment and take simple outfits to a new level. Huaraches are worn by men and women.

11.  Mix the old with the new - Mix elements of Mexico’s indigenous culture represented by local artisans in jewelry and accessories.

12.  A beanie  - That’s right. With the right jeans and jacket, a beanie can cover your bed head and still be cute in an airport, on a bus or in a cantina.

13. A print skirt -  Personally, this one’s not for me, but I have been told print skirts are better for travel as they don’t show dirt.

14. An umbrella for the sun.  Even if you’re not at the beach, think about using a sun umbrella instead of ruining your hair with a hat. They are better protection from the sun, keep you cooler than a hat and Mexican women still carry them.  

The fashion industry and the art world are almost the same movement in Mexico. A London paper described Mexican style as a "maximalist approach" to getting dressed.  You’ll see art in shirts, handbags, jewelry and wraps. Bring your basics and look for accessories in Mexico to punch them up.

how to dress in Mexico

Que guay!

Men - What to bring to Mexico

1. Avoid shorts in Mexico unless you are in a beach town. Mexican men wear shorts more than they used to, but it's still pretty touristy.

2. Find some graphic tees and hoodies.

One evening, my friend Michael, who is in his sixties, showed up at for a baseball game in a fantastic black hoodie with a Dia de Los Muertos graphic on the front. The only possible downside was all the teen-age girls who told him they wanted to rip it right off his back (maybe not a downside for Michael as much as his wife.) A great line is Ay Guay, a Mexican brand. You can also find tee shirts with sewn-on appliques that you can’t find in the States.

3. Huaraches, traditional leather sandals, are still popular. For a light, comfortable, cooling lace-up, men should also check out the Mexican brand Flexi.

4. Guayabera shirts are a traditional cotton or linen embroidered shirts that distinguished men wear on more formal occasions like weddings or parties, although you can also find some appropriate for the beach.  

These days, the shirt has become a kind of a retro fashion statement. Some stores specialize in selling only these shirts. Any guy planning on being in Mexico long enough should have one. It's a little like owning your own tuxedo.

5. Even older guys can handle a few leather bracelets. Evenings can be cool and scarves, according to Business Insider magazine are a hot trend right now. My older fashionable male friends in Spain and Mexico have always felt very comfortable wearing panuelos , you should too.

Weather considerations

Mexico does have cool, even cold weather in some places. Coastal areas can be a bit damp and chilly from December through February.

Places usually lack central heat or central air conditioning. Fifty degrees outside will feel like 40 degrees without central heat in rooms that aren’t well sealed. A 80 degree day will feel like 90 inside the concrete or stucco buildings that make up most of Mexico. Dress for 10 degrees above the forecast in summer and 10 degrees below the forecast in winter. Be prepared to layer items.

Do a Google search for Mexican fashion bloggers for more ideas to inspire your shopping and your attire in Mexico. You don’t want to act like tourist in Mexico, why dress like one?

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This fashion blogger in Guadalajara is young but I think anyone could still pick up some good ideas.  GDL Streets

"How Mexican Styles are Shaking Up the Fashion World" -

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About the author:

Hola, I'm Kerry Baker and a partner for Ventanas Mexico, providing resources to potential [Under revision] full- and part-time expats. Her most recent book, co-authored, is “The Lazy Expat: Healthy Recipes That Translate in Mexico”. You cannot maintain a healthy diet in Mexico without cooking. The Lazy Expat shows you how.

"If Only I Had a Place," is for aspiring expats seeking to live luxuriously in Mexico for less. More than a how-to, this book gives you the advantages and disadvantages of renting in Mexico.

My third book is The Mexico Solution: Saving your money, sanity, and quality of life through part-time life in Mexico. It’s the only guide to living in Mexico that won’t leave you numb.